Customer Service business hours

Our Customer Service team is available around the clock, seven days a week, and promises to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

How can I terminate my subscription?

If you change your mind, you are free to terminate your Membership subscription at any time. You can terminate easily by reaching out to us via phone, live chat, or email to speak with one of our representatives.

After you have terminated your Membership subscription, you can still continue using our services until the end of your current period.

Is it really true that I can purchase the products at such a low price?

Yes! That's how straightforward it is - the products are marked down significantly.

However, if you become a Member you do not even have to pay for the products, which you will get for free, and only pay for the shipping.

Shipping costs

If you are not a Member, you will be pay the discounted price for the product(s) you want to purchase. There will be no additional fees, such as shipping.

If you are a Member, you will pay for shipping only, and no additional fees will be added for the product(s).